Society, Culture & Social Change in Europe

  • First Slide
    Social Structure & Dynamics In Europe
    Philosophical & Intellectual Revolutions
  • First Slide
    The European Area Studies Program
    Deciphering Research Methodologies
  • First Slide
    Social Change & Cultural Ideologies
    Impact Of The Globalisation
Education Background



This module introduces students to the idea of Europe. It aims to understand European society, culture, and processes of social change through themes that help in establishing what is meant by ‘Europe’. The Module focuses on the central domains of social life in Europe; philosophical and intellectual revolutions (the advent of modernity); rise of democracy and capitalism (political and economic change); religion and secularization, changing demography, migration, immigrants, the process of Europeanization and Globalization (social structure); issues of marginalization, and social integration (contemporary challenges). These domains of social life will help students to relate to culture, society, and the process of change in European Society. International Relations in India has been focusing mainly upon the conventional areas of foreign policy, diplomacy, and inter-governmental dialogue.



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India And The Baltics

Organized a lecture titled “India and the Baltics: Ancient Linkages and Modern Friendship”, delivered by Dr. Gintaras Songaila, and a preview of the upcoming book authored by Dr. Gintaras Songaila titled ‘Ancient Historical Contacts between Old Indian and Baltic Peoples: Outlines for New Investigation’ on 16th November 2019 at JNU, New Delhi.>>

Graphic Design Michel


Challenges, and Opportunity’ by Prof. Mohan Gautam, President & Chancellor, European University of West & East, The Netherlands, at Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Advanced Studies(JNIAS), on 18th October 2018 at JNIAS Conference Hall, JNU.>

Graphic Design Michel

Converging Roads_ People Of Indian Origin And African Origin In Political Journey In Suriname After Independence From The Netherlands”

Organised a Symposium on “Converging Roads: People of Indian Origin and African Origin in Political Journey in Suriname after Independence from the Netherlands” on 28 august 2018 at 11 am at JNIAS Conference Hall, JNU.>

Michel Michel Michel


Graphic Design Michel

Emerging Socio-Cultural And Political Issues

Graphic Design Michel

Global Dynamics And Emerging TrendS


Graphic Design Michel

Europe And The Changing World_ Crises And Resilience

Young Researcher’s Conference on the theme ‘Europe and the Developing World: Crises and Resilience’ at Centre for European Studies, SIS, JNU, on 26th March 2019, at Committee Room No. 344, SIS-II, JNU, New Delhi.

Graphic Design

Europe And The Developing World

Organized a Young Researcher’s Conference on the theme ‘Europe and the Developing World’ at Centre for European Studies, SIS, JNU, on 10th May 2018, at Committee Room No. 344, SIS-II, JNU, New Delhi.


Graphic Design Michel

Knowing Area Studies_ A Focus On Europe

Supported TWO day National Workshop on Scope of Higher Education and Career Planning on 24-25th January 2018, at The Government First Grade College for Women, in Sindhanur, Karnataka, wherein a session on European Studies was organized and the PI delivered the keynote address on ‘Relevance of Area studies in Higher Education with Special emphasis upon European Studies’.>

Graphic Design Michel

Skills For Next Generation Teachers

Organised 7-day National Level Faculty Development Programme on “Skills for Next Generation Teachers” in collaboration with Vimala College, Thrissur, Kerala, and Guru Angad Dev Teaching Learning Centre, Ministry of Education, from 1-7th December 2020.

Business Women


Dr. Sheetal Sharma Centre for European Studies, # 305, New Building, School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi -110067; Email-

Ph. -  011-26738714 (direct)


Research Interests include Culture and Society in Europe; International Relations and Diaspora Studies; Gender, and Empowerment of Women; Higher Education; Research Methodology in Social Sciences.


Offers M.Phil and Ph.D. supervision in the broad areas of International Relations with a focus on the sociological understanding of nature, structure, and dynamics of social and cultural institutions in Europe.



Our Partners

011-26708714 , 011-26704148
305, School of International Studies,
New Building, Jawahar Lal Nehru University,
New Delhi - 110067
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